Is A Standby Generator An Investment?

Is A Standby Generator An Investment?

Our society is exceptionally reliant on electricity. Everything from the batteries in our phone to some cars requires electricity to get them up and running. This means that when the power goes out, we can feel very lost and confused. Unfortunately, storms happen all the time and can at any point knock the power out, […]

Five Tips to Reduce Whole Home Generator Noise

11-Five Tips to Reduce Whole Home Generator Noise

Many homeowners in the market for backup generators worry about how much noise their units might make. After all, they require an engine to drive the alternator that generates electricity. And that sounds like it should be loud.  But how loud are generators, exactly? And do they comply with neighborhood noise levels?  The Generac generators […]

5 Reasons To Buy A Generac Backup Generator

9-Five Reasons To Buy A Generac Backup Generator

Is there anything more inconvenient and troublesome than a power outage? Your television viewing will be cut short, the food in your freezer will start to thaw, and you will have no access to the internet! It is possible to fill your time when a power outage occurs, but let’s be honest, you don’t want […]